File and image field support

Note: In time of writing, this plugin only supported file fields named file and image fields named image.

Gatsby along with the plugin gatsby-source-filesystem and the createRemoteFileNode function it exposes, can be used to pull all types of remote files into the Gatsby cache and use them in the generated Gatsby-site.

For images, another plugin, gatsby-transformer-sharp to handle resizing, cropping, creating responsive images using the Sharp image processing library.

For allowing other types of files to be used in the gatsby-site, gatsby-source-filesystem needs to be configured in the project itself as well, with path configured to a static folder:

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
      options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/src/static`,

This exposes a publicURL field in GraphQL for the file node, which can be used to link to the file node and make it downloadable, as implemented in the example gatsby-site.