What is LDAP?
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDAP is a Protocol
to query data in the database
(directory data)
but is NOT a database itself
- based on IT directory requirements of telecommunication companies' in the early 80ies
- resulted in X.500 specification which included DAP (Directory Access Protocol).
- X.500/DAP is a massive/ complex protocol.
- DAP was not TCP/IP compliant,
easier to use lightweight variant was developed around 1993
LDAP in the Wild
- Broadly used in enterprises and organisations
- with need of user management
- at large scale.
- mature free software solutions like
- OpenLDAP
- 389 Directory Server
- Apache Directory Server
- commercial solutions like
- ActiveDirectory (Microsoft)
- OpenDirectory (Apple)
- eDirectory (Novell)
- Tivoli (IBM)
- Oracle Internet Directory
- Documented
- Industry standard base schemas available
- Extensible by own schemas.
a history lesson about LDAP in ZOPE and Plone
or what we had before pas.plugins.ldap
or the reason we rewrote the LDAP stack
- replaces the original Zope UserFolder
- old school mature code (dates back to 2001)
- difficult to extend (monkey patches needed)
- very limited group management
- plugin for Products.PluggableAuthService (PAS)
- instance of Products.LDAPUserFolder is contained in plugin
- wraps UserFolder API to PAS API
- difficult to install
- set of plugins for Products.PluggableAuthService (PAS)
- derives from Products.LDAPMultiPlugins
- integrates LDAP fully into a Plone site
- better group management
- difficult to install
- UI to install and manage PloneLDAP and the stack below
- easier to install
so the existing code
- worked and was mature for the use case it was build for,
- was all but flexible,
- was difficult to understand.
- It was nearly impossible to extend in a sane way (monkey patching!)
- It was stacked all on top of the other.
Now: pas.plugins.ldap
no code of the old stack was harmed
we did a complete rewrite
developed on prior experience with
- Products.GroupsFromLDAP
- bda.ldap
both discontinued (Plone 2.5 times!)
- Users and/or Groups from LDAP
- abstraction from LDAP structure
- different group models
- posix
- samba
- groupOfNames
- memberOf
- mapping of LDAP attributes to PAS property sheets.
- account expiration
- ldap caching
- support for many users
- tested
- not support for multiple (fallback) LDAP servers -> future
- brings a Plone Portrait patch, may conflict with other PAS plugins
- LDAP convinience library
- based on python-ldap
- pure Python
- idea of tree representation (nodes)
- no Plone dependencies
- uses zope.interface/ zope.component
- configuration must be provided by code using it
- 98% test coverage
- provides own test layer (against running OpenLDAP)
- used by BlueDynamics Alliance and others in Pyramid projects
- cone.ugm is a
- Pyramid based
- multitenant
- standalone
- user and group management tool.
- dates back to 2007
- 8 contributors
- BSD 3-clause licence
- user and group management convinience library and interfaces
- provides also role management (not used in Plone)
- node.ext.ldap provides an UGM object
- no Plone dependencies
- pure PAS plugin
- uses node.ext.ldap's UGM features
- configures node.ext.ldap (GenericSetup)
- provides ZMI and control panel forms to configure LDAP
- works with many users and groups (several 10000)
- support different kinds of groups
- works with different LDAP servers, tested so far
- OpenLDAP
- OpenDirectory
- ActiveDirectory
- 389 Directory Server
- 10 contributors
- dates back to 2007
Fundraising Campaign
In March 2016 pas.plugins.ldap did not support "many" users well.
Goal: Refactor parts of the new stack to support LDAP paging.
There was the need to have a modern scalable LDAP stack in Plone.
The following companies funded together 2000 Dollar.
- Zopyx
- Six Feet Up
- Syslab
- PretaGov
- Enfold Systems
- Wildcard Corp
BlueDynamics Alliance members Robert Niederreiter and Jens Klein refactored node.ext.ldap and pas.plugins.ldap.
In August the new release of pas.plugins.ldap was out.
Now Plone support several 10- or even 100-thousands of LDAP users and groups.
pas.plugins.ldap is supported
- 100% OpenSource!
- read code, get into it, file issues,
- help to make it better!
- BlueDynamics Alliance provides professional support for those who need it!